Source code for redback.get_data

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Union
import urllib

import pandas as pd

from redback.get_data import batse, directory, fermi, getter, konus, lasair, fink, open_data, swift, utils
from redback.get_data.swift import SwiftDataGetter
from redback.get_data.open_data import OpenDataGetter
from redback.get_data.batse import BATSEDataGetter
from redback.get_data.fermi import FermiDataGetter
from redback.get_data.konus import KonusDataGetter
from redback.get_data.lasair import LasairDataGetter
from redback.get_data.fink import FinkDataGetter
from redback.utils import logger

SWIFT_PROMPT_BIN_SIZES = ['1s', '2ms', '8ms', '16ms', '64ms', '256ms']

DATA_SOURCES = ["swift", "swift_xrt", "fermi", "konus", "batse", "open_data"]
TRANSIENT_TYPES = ["afterglow", "prompt", "kilonova", "supernova", "tidal_disruption_event"]

[docs]def get_xrt_afterglow_data_from_swift(grb: str, data_mode: str = None, **kwargs: None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get XRT afterglow data from Swift. Creates a directory structure and saves the data. Returns the data, though no further action needs to be taken by the user. :param grb: Telephone number of GRB, e.g., 'GRB140903A' or '140903A' are valid inputs. :type grb: str :param data_mode: Data mode must be from `redback.get_data.swift.SwiftDataGetter.VALID_DATA_MODES`. :type data_mode: str :param kwargs: Placeholder to prevent TypeErrors. :return: The processed data. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ return get_swift_data(grb=grb, transient_type='afterglow', data_mode=data_mode, instrument="XRT")
[docs]def get_bat_xrt_afterglow_data_from_swift(grb: str, data_mode: str, **kwargs: None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get BAT+XRT afterglow data from Swift. Creates a directory structure and saves the data. Returns the data, though no further action needs to be taken by the user. :param grb: Telephone number of GRB, e.g., 'GRB140903A' or '140903A' are valid inputs. :type grb: str :param data_mode: Data mode must be from `redback.get_data.swift.SwiftDataGetter.VALID_DATA_MODES`. :type data_mode: str :param kwargs: Placeholder to prevent TypeErrors. :type kwargs: dict :return: The processed data. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ return get_swift_data(grb=grb, transient_type='afterglow', data_mode=data_mode, instrument="BAT+XRT")
[docs]def get_prompt_data_from_swift(grb: str, bin_size: str = "1s", **kwargs: None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get prompt emission data from Swift. Creates a directory structure and saves the data. Returns the data, though no further action needs to be taken by the user. :param grb: Telephone number of GRB, e.g., 'GRB140903A' or '140903A' are valid inputs. :type grb: str :param bin_size: Bin size. Must be from `redback.get_data.swift.SwiftDataGetter.SWIFT_PROMPT_BIN_SIZES`. (Default value = "1s") :type bin_size: str, optional :param kwargs: Placeholder to prevent TypeErrors. :type kwargs: None :return: The processed data. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ return get_swift_data(grb=grb, transient_type='prompt', data_mode='prompt', instrument="BAT+XRT", bin_size=bin_size)
[docs]def get_swift_data( grb: str, transient_type: str, data_mode: str = 'flux', instrument: str = 'BAT+XRT', bin_size: str = None, **kwargs: None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Catch all data getting function for Swift. Creates a directory structure and saves the data. Returns the data, though no further action needs to be taken by the user. :param grb: Telephone number of GRB, e.g., 'GRB140903A' or '140903A' are valid inputs. :type grb: str :param transient_type: Type of the transient. Should be 'prompt' or 'afterglow'. :param data_mode: Data mode must be from `redback.get_data.swift.SwiftDataGetter.VALID_DATA_MODES`. (Default value = 'flux') :type data_mode: str :param instrument: Instrument(s) to use. Must be from `redback.get_data.swift.SwiftDataGetter.VALID_INSTRUMENTS`. (Default value = 'BAT+XRT') :type instrument: str :param bin_size: Bin size. Must be from `redback.get_data.swift.SwiftDataGetter.SWIFT_PROMPT_BIN_SIZES`. (Default value = None) :type bin_size: str, optional :param kwargs: Placeholder to prevent TypeErrors. :type kwargs: None :return: The processed data. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ getter = SwiftDataGetter( grb=grb, transient_type=transient_type, data_mode=data_mode, bin_size=bin_size, instrument=instrument) return getter.get_data()
[docs]def get_prompt_data_from_batse(grb: str, **kwargs: None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get prompt emission data from BATSE. Creates a directory structure and saves the data. Returns the data, though no further action needs to be taken by the user. :param grb: Telephone number of GRB, e.g., 'GRB140903A' or '140903A' are valid inputs. :type grb: str :param kwargs: Placeholder to prevent TypeErrors. :type kwargs: None :return: The processed data. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ getter = BATSEDataGetter(grb=grb) return getter.get_data()
[docs]def get_kilonova_data_from_open_transient_catalog_data(transient: str, **kwargs: None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get kilonova data from the Open Access Catalog. Creates a directory structure and saves the data. Returns the data, though no further action needs to be taken by the user. :param transient: The name of the transient, e.g. 'at2017gfo'. :type transient: str :param kwargs: Placeholder to prevent TypeErrors. :type kwargs: None :return: The processed data. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ return get_open_transient_catalog_data(transient, transient_type="kilonova")
[docs]def get_supernova_data_from_open_transient_catalog_data(transient: str, **kwargs: None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get supernova data from the Open Access Catalog. Creates a directory structure and saves the data. Returns the data, though no further action needs to be taken by the user. :param transient: The name of the transient, e.g. 'SN2011kl'. :type transient: str :param kwargs: Placeholder to prevent TypeErrors. :type kwargs: None :return: The processed data. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ return get_open_transient_catalog_data(transient, transient_type="supernova")
[docs]def get_tidal_disruption_event_data_from_open_transient_catalog_data( transient: str, **kwargs: None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get TDE data from the Open Access Catalog. Creates a directory structure and saves the data. Returns the data, though no further action needs to be taken by the user. :param transient: The name of the transient, e.g. 'PS18kh'. :type transient: str :param kwargs: Placeholder to prevent TypeErrors. :type kwargs: None :return: The processed data. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ return get_open_transient_catalog_data(transient, transient_type="tidal_disruption_event")
[docs]def get_prompt_data_from_fermi(*args: None, **kwargs: None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get prompt emission data from Fermi. Creates a directory structure and saves the data. Returns the data, though no further action needs to be taken by the user. :param args: Placeholder :type args: None :param kwargs: :type kwargs: None :return: The processed data. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ raise NotImplementedError("This function is not yet implemented.")
[docs]def get_prompt_data_from_konus(*args: list, **kwargs: None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get prompt emission data from Konus. Creates a directory structure and saves the data. Returns the data, though no further action needs to be taken by the user. :param args: Placeholder :type args: None :param kwargs: :type kwargs: None :return: The processed data. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ raise NotImplementedError("This function is not yet implemented.")
[docs]def get_lasair_data( transient: str, transient_type: str, **kwargs: None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Catch all data getting function for Lasair data. Creates a directory structure and saves the data. Returns the data, though no further action needs to be taken by the user. :param transient: The name of the transient, e.g. 'ZTF19aagqkrq'. :type transient: str :param transient_type: Type of the transient. Must be from `redback.get_data.lasair.LasairDataGetter.VALID_TRANSIENT_TYPES`. :type transient_type: str :param kwargs: Placeholder to prevent TypeErrors. :type kwargs: None :return: The processed data. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ getter = LasairDataGetter( transient_type=transient_type, transient=transient) return getter.get_data()
[docs]def get_fink_data( transient: str, transient_type: str, **kwargs: None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Catch all data getting function for Fink data. Creates a directory structure and saves the data. Returns the data, though no further action needs to be taken by the user. :param transient: The name of the transient, e.g. 'ZTF19aagqkrq'. :type transient: str :param transient_type: Type of the transient. Must be from `redback.get_data.fink.FinkDataGetter.VALID_TRANSIENT_TYPES`. :type transient_type: str :param kwargs: Placeholder to prevent TypeErrors. :type kwargs: None :return: The processed data. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ getter = FinkDataGetter( transient_type=transient_type, transient=transient) return getter.get_data()
[docs]def get_open_transient_catalog_data( transient: str, transient_type: str, **kwargs: None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Catch all data getting function for the Open Access Catalog. Creates a directory structure and saves the data. Returns the data, though no further action needs to be taken by the user. :param transient: The name of the transient, e.g. 'at2017gfo'. :type transient: str :param transient_type: Type of the transient. Must be from `redback.get_data.open_data.OpenDataGetter.VALID_TRANSIENT_TYPES`. :type transient_type: str :param kwargs: Placeholder to prevent TypeErrors. :type kwargs: None :return: The processed data. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ getter = OpenDataGetter( transient_type=transient_type, transient=transient) return getter.get_data()
[docs]def get_oac_metadata() -> None: """Retrieves Open Access Catalog metadata table.""" url = '' urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, 'metadata.csv')'Downloaded metadata for open access catalog transients.')
_functions_dict = { ("afterglow", "swift"): get_bat_xrt_afterglow_data_from_swift, ("afterglow", "swift_xrt"): get_xrt_afterglow_data_from_swift, ("prompt", "swift"): get_prompt_data_from_swift, ("prompt", "fermi"): get_prompt_data_from_fermi, ("prompt", "konus"): get_prompt_data_from_konus, ("prompt", "batse"): get_prompt_data_from_batse, ("kilonova", "open_data"): get_kilonova_data_from_open_transient_catalog_data, ("supernova", "open_data"): get_supernova_data_from_open_transient_catalog_data, ("tidal_disruption_event", "open_data"): get_tidal_disruption_event_data_from_open_transient_catalog_data}
[docs]def get_data( transient: str, instrument: str, **kwargs: None)\ -> pd.DataFrame: """Catch all data getter. :param transient: The name of the transient. :type transient: str :param instrument: The name of the instrument. :type instrument: str :param kwargs: Any other keyword arguments to be passed through. :type kwargs: None :return: The processed data. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ return _functions_dict[(transient, instrument)](transient, **kwargs)