- redback.sed.get_correct_output_format_from_spectra(time, time_eval, spectra, lambda_array, **kwargs)[source]
Use SNcosmo to get the bandpass flux or magnitude in AB from spectra at given times.
- Parameters:
time – times in observer frame in days to evaluate the model on
time_eval – times in observer frame where spectra are evaluated. A densely sampled array for accuracy
bands – band array - must be same length as time array or a single band
spectra – spectra in erg/cm^2/s/A evaluated at all times and frequencies; shape (len(times), len(frequency_array))
lambda_array – wavelenth array in Angstrom in observer frame
kwargs – Additional parameters
output_format – ‘flux’, ‘magnitude’, ‘sncosmo_source’, ‘flux_density’
- Returns:
flux, magnitude or SNcosmo TimeSeries Source depending on output format kwarg