Source code for redback.analysis

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

import redback.model_library
from redback.utils import logger, find_nearest
from redback.result import RedbackResult
from redback.constants import day_to_s
import matplotlib

def _setup_plotting_result(model, model_kwargs, parameters, transient):
    Helper function to setup the plotting result

    :param model: model string or model function
    :param model_kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the model
    :param parameters: parameters to plot
    :param transient: transient object
    :return: a tuple of model, parameters, and result
    if isinstance(parameters, dict):
        parameters = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(parameters)
    parameters["log_likelihood"] = np.arange(len(parameters))
    if isinstance(model, str):
        model = redback.model_library.all_models_dict[model]
    meta_data = dict(model=model.__name__, transient_type=transient.__class__.__name__.lower())
    transient_kwargs = {k.lstrip("_"): v for k, v in transient.__dict__.items()}
    meta_data['model_kwargs'] = model_kwargs or dict()
    res = RedbackResult(label="None", outdir="None",
                        constraint_parameter_keys=None, priors=None,
                        sampler_kwargs=dict(), injection_parameters=None,
                        meta_data=meta_data, posterior=parameters, samples=None,
                        nested_samples=None, log_evidence=0,
                        log_evidence_err=0, information_gain=0,
                        log_noise_evidence=0, log_bayes_factor=0,
                        log_prior_evaluations=0, sampling_time=0, nburn=0,
                        num_likelihood_evaluations=0, walkers=0,
                        max_autocorrelation_time=0, use_ratio=False,
    return model, parameters, res

[docs]def plot_lightcurve(transient, parameters, model, model_kwargs=None, **kwargs: None): """ Plot a lightcurve for a given model and parameters :param transient: transient object :param parameters: parameters to plot :param model: model string or model function :param model_kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the model :return: plot_lightcurve """ model, parameters, res = _setup_plotting_result(model, model_kwargs, parameters, transient) return res.plot_lightcurve(model=model, random_models=len(parameters), plot_max_likelihood=False, save=False, show=False, **kwargs)
[docs]def plot_multiband_lightcurve(transient, parameters, model, model_kwargs=None, **kwargs: None): """ Plot a multiband lightcurve for a given model and parameters :param transient: transient object :param parameters: parameters to plot :param model: model string or model function :param model_kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the model :return: plot_multiband_lightcurve """ model, parameters, res = _setup_plotting_result(model, model_kwargs, parameters, transient) return res.plot_multiband_lightcurve(model=model, random_models=len(parameters), plot_max_likelihood=False, save=False, show=False, **kwargs)
[docs]def plot_evolution_parameters(result, random_models=100): """ Plot evolution parameters for a given evolving_magnetar result :param result: redback result :param random_models: number of random models to plot :return: fig and axes """ logger.warning("This type of plot is only valid for evolving magnetar models") tmin = np.log10(np.min(result.metadata['time'])) tmax = np.log10(np.max(result.metadata['time'])) time = np.logspace(tmin, tmax, 100) fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(5, 10)) for j in range(random_models): s = dict(result.posterior.iloc[np.random.randint(len(result.posterior))]) s["output"] = "namedtuple" model = redback.model_library.all_models_dict["evolving_magnetar_only"] output = model(time, **s) nn = output.nn mu = alpha = output.alpha ax[0].plot(time, nn, "--", lw=1, color='red', alpha=2.5, zorder=-1) ax[1].plot(time, np.rad2deg(alpha), "--", lw=1, color='red', alpha=2.5, zorder=-1) ax[2].plot(time, mu, "--", lw=1, color='red', alpha=2.5, zorder=-1) ax[0].set_ylabel('braking index') ax[1].set_ylabel('inclination angle') ax[2].set_ylabel('magnetic moment') for x in range(3): ax[x].set_yscale('log') ax[x].set_xscale('log') fig.supxlabel(r"Time since burst [s]") return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_spectrum(model, parameters, time_to_plot, axes=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a spectrum for a given model and parameters :param model: Model string for a redback model :param parameters: dictionary of parameters/alongside model specific keyword arguments. Must be one set of parameters. If you want to plot a posterior prediction of the spectrum, call this function in a loop. :param time_to_plot: Times to plot (in days) the spectrum at. The spectrum plotted will be at the nearest neighbour to this value :param axes: None or matplotlib axes object if you want to plot on an existing set of axes :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments used by this function. :param colors_list: List of colors to use for each time to plot. Set randomly unless specified. :return: matplotlib axes """ function = redback.model_library.all_models_dict[model] model_kwargs = {} model_kwargs.update(parameters) model_kwargs['output_format'] = 'spectra' model_kwargs['bands'] = 'lsstg' output = function(time_to_plot, **model_kwargs) lambdas = output.lambdas time_of_output = output.time/day_to_s #extract spectrum at the times of interest. spec = {} for tt in time_to_plot: _, idx = find_nearest(time_of_output, tt) spec[tt] = output.spectra[idx] if 'colors_list' in kwargs.keys(): colors_list = kwargs.pop('colors_list') else: colors_list = ax = axes or plt.gca() for i, tt in enumerate(time_to_plot): ax.semilogx(lambdas, spec[tt], color=colors_list[i], label=f"{tt:.1f} days") ax.set_xlabel(r'Wavelength ($\mathrm{\AA}$)') ax.set_ylabel(r'Flux ($10^{-17}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ $\mathrm{\AA}$)') ax.legend(loc='upper left') return ax