Source code for redback.utils

import contextlib
import logging
import os
from collections import namedtuple
from inspect import getmembers, isfunction
from pathlib import Path

from astropy.time import Time
import bilby
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator, interp1d
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException

import redback
from redback.constants import *

dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__)
filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'plot_styles/paper.mplstyle')

logger = logging.getLogger('redback')
_bilby_logger = logging.getLogger('bilby')

[docs]def find_nearest(array, value): """ Find the nearest value in an array to a given value. :param array: array to search :param value: value to search for :return: array element closest to value and index of that element """ array = np.asarray(array) idx = (np.abs(array - value)).argmin() return array[idx], idx
[docs]def download_pointing_tables(): """ Download the pointing tables from zenodo. """ return"Pointing tables downloaded and stored in redback/tables")
[docs]def sncosmo_bandname_from_band(bands, warning_style='soft'): """ Convert redback data band names to sncosmo compatible band names :param bands: List of bands. :type bands: list[str] :param warning_style: How to handle warnings. 'soft' will raise a warning, 'hard' will raise an error. :return: An array of sncosmo compatible bandnames associated with the given bands. :rtype: np.ndarray """ if bands is None: bands = [] if isinstance(bands, str): bands = [bands] df = pd.read_csv(f"{dirname}/tables/filters.csv") bands_to_flux = {band: wavelength for band, wavelength in zip(df['bands'], df['sncosmo_name'])} res = [] for band in bands: try: res.append(bands_to_flux[band]) except KeyError as e: if warning_style == 'hard': raise KeyError(f"Band {band} is not defined in filters.csv!") else:"Band {band} is not defined in filters.csv!") res.append('r') return np.array(res)
[docs]def check_kwargs_validity(kwargs): if kwargs == None:"No kwargs passed to function") return kwargs if 'output_format' not in kwargs.keys(): raise ValueError("output_format must be specified") else: output_format = kwargs['output_format'] match = ['frequency', 'bands'] if any(x in kwargs.keys() for x in match): pass else: raise ValueError("frequency or bands must be specified in model_kwargs") if output_format == 'flux_density': if 'frequency' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['frequency'] = redback.utils.bands_to_frequency(kwargs['bands']) if output_format in ['flux', 'magnitude']: if 'bands' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['bands'] = redback.utils.frequency_to_bandname(kwargs['frequency']) if output_format == 'spectra': kwargs['frequency_array'] = kwargs.get('frequency_array', np.linspace(100, 20000, 100)) return kwargs
[docs]def citation_wrapper(r): """ Wrapper for citation function to allow functions to have a citation attribute :param r: proxy argument :return: wrapped function """ def wrapper(f): f.citation = r return f return wrapper
[docs]def calc_tfb(binding_energy_const, mbh_6, stellar_mass): """ Calculate the fall back timescale for a SMBH disrupting a stellar mass object :param binding_energy_const: :param mbh_6: SMBH mass in solar masses :param stellar_mass: stellar mass in solar masses :return: fall back time in seconds """ tfb = 58. * (3600. * 24.) * (mbh_6 ** (0.5)) * (stellar_mass ** (0.2)) * ((binding_energy_const / 0.8) ** (-1.5)) return tfb
[docs]def calculate_normalisation(unique_frequency, model_1, model_2, tref, model_1_dict, model_2_dict): """ Calculate the normalisation for smoothly joining two models together at a reference time. :param unique_frequency: An array of unique frequencies. Can be None in which case we assume there is only one normalisation. :param model_1: must be redback model with a normalisation parameter :param model_2: any redback model :param tref: time which transition from model_1 to model_2 takes place :param model_1_dict: dictionary of parameters and values for model 1 :param model_2: dictionary of parameters and values for model 1 :return: normalisation, namedtuple corresponding to the normalisation for the specific frequency. Could be bolometric luminosity, magnitude, or frequency """ from redback.model_library import all_models_dict f1 = all_models_dict[model_1](time=tref, a_1=1, **model_1_dict) if unique_frequency == None: f2 = all_models_dict[model_2](time=tref, **model_2_dict) norm = f2/f1 normalisation = namedtuple('normalisation', ['bolometric_luminosity'])(norm) else: model_2_dict['frequency'] = unique_frequency f2 = all_models_dict[model_2](time=tref, **model_2_dict) unique_norms = f2/f1 dd = dict(zip(unique_frequency, unique_norms)) normalisation = namedtuple('normalisation', dd.keys())(*dd.values()) return normalisation
[docs]def get_csm_properties(nn, eta): """ Calculate CSM properties for CSM interacting models :param nn: csm norm :param eta: csm density profile exponent :return: csm_properties named tuple """ csm_properties = namedtuple('csm_properties', ['AA', 'Bf', 'Br']) filepath = f"{dirname}/tables/csm_table.txt" ns, ss, bfs, brs, aas = np.loadtxt(filepath, delimiter=',', unpack=True) bfs = np.reshape(bfs, (10, 30)).T brs = np.reshape(brs, (10, 30)).T aas = np.reshape(aas, (10, 30)).T ns = np.unique(ns) ss = np.unique(ss) bf_func = RegularGridInterpolator((ss, ns), bfs) br_func = RegularGridInterpolator((ss, ns), brs) aa_func = RegularGridInterpolator((ss, ns), aas) Bf = bf_func([nn, eta])[0] Br = br_func([nn, eta])[0] AA = aa_func([nn, eta])[0] csm_properties.AA = AA csm_properties.Bf = Bf csm_properties.Br = Br return csm_properties
[docs]def lambda_to_nu(wavelength): """ :param wavelength: wavelength in Angstrom :return: frequency in Hertz """ return speed_of_light_si / (wavelength * 1.e-10)
[docs]def nu_to_lambda(frequency): """ :param frequency: frequency in Hertz :return: wavelength in Angstrom """ return 1.e10 * (speed_of_light_si / frequency)
[docs]def calc_kcorrected_properties(frequency, redshift, time): """ Perform k-correction :param frequency: observer frame frequency :param redshift: source redshift :param time: observer frame time :return: k-corrected frequency and source frame time """ time = time / (1 + redshift) frequency = frequency * (1 + redshift) return frequency, time
[docs]def mjd_to_jd(mjd): """ Convert MJD to JD :param mjd: mjd time :return: JD time """ return Time(mjd, format="mjd").jd
[docs]def jd_to_mjd(jd): """ Convert JD to MJD :param jd: jd time :return: MJD time """ return Time(jd, format="jd").mjd
[docs]def jd_to_date(jd): """ Convert JD to date :param jd: jd time :return: date """ year, month, day, _, _, _ = Time(jd, format="jd").to_value("ymdhms") return year, month, day
[docs]def mjd_to_date(mjd): """ Convert MJD to date :param mjd: mjd time :return: data """ year, month, day, _, _, _ = Time(mjd, format="mjd").to_value("ymdhms") return year, month, day
[docs]def date_to_jd(year, month, day): """ Convert date to JD :param year: :param month: :param day: :return: JD time """ return Time(dict(year=year, month=month, day=day), format="ymdhms").jd
[docs]def date_to_mjd(year, month, day): """ Convert date to MJD :param year: :param month: :param day: :return: MJD time """ return Time(dict(year=year, month=month, day=day), format="ymdhms").mjd
[docs]def deceleration_timescale(e0, g0, n0): """ Calculate the deceleration timescale for an afterglow :param e0: kinetic energy of afterglow :param g0: lorentz factor of afterglow :param n0: nism number density :return: peak time in seconds """ e0 = e0 gamma0 = g0 nism = n0 denom = 32 * np.pi * gamma0 ** 8 * nism * proton_mass * speed_of_light ** 5 num = 3 * e0 t_peak = (num / denom) ** (1. / 3.) return t_peak
[docs]def calc_flux_density_from_ABmag(magnitudes): """ Calculate flux density from AB magnitude assuming monochromatic AB filter :param magnitudes: :return: flux density """ return (magnitudes * uu.ABmag).to(uu.mJy)
[docs]def calc_ABmag_from_flux_density(fluxdensity): """ Calculate AB magnitude from flux density assuming monochromatic AB filter :param fluxdensity: :return: AB magnitude """ return (fluxdensity * uu.mJy).to(uu.ABmag)
[docs]def calc_flux_density_from_vegamag(magnitudes, zeropoint): """ Calculate flux density from Vega magnitude assuming Vega filter :param magnitudes: :param zeropoint: Vega zeropoint for a given filter in Jy :return: flux density in mJy """ zeropoint = zeropoint * 1000 flux_density = zeropoint * 10 ** (magnitudes/-2.5) return flux_density
[docs]def calc_vegamag_from_flux_density(fluxdensity, zeropoint): """ Calculate Vega magnitude from flux density assuming Vega filter :param fluxdensity: in mJy :param zeropoint: Vega zeropoint for a given filter in Jy :return: Vega magnitude """ zeropoint = zeropoint * 1000 magnitude = -2.5 * np.log10(fluxdensity / zeropoint) return magnitude
[docs]def bandflux_error_from_limiting_mag(fiveSigmaDepth, bandflux_ref): """ Function to compute the error associated with the flux measurement of the transient source, computed based on the observation databse determined five-sigma depth. Parameters: ----------- fiveSigmaDepth: float The magnitude at which an exposure would be recorded as having an SNR of 5 for this observation. bandflux_ref: float The total flux that would be transmitted through the chosen bandfilter given the chosen reference system. Returns: -------- bandflux_error: float The error associated with the computed bandflux. """ # Compute the integrated bandflux error # Note this is trivial since the five_sigma_depth incorporates the # integrated time of the exposures. Flux_five_sigma = bandflux_ref * np.power(10.0, -0.4 * fiveSigmaDepth) bandflux_error = Flux_five_sigma / 5.0 return bandflux_error
[docs]def convert_absolute_mag_to_apparent(magnitude, distance): """ Convert absolute magnitude to apparent :param magnitude: AB absolute magnitude :param distance: Distance in parsecs """ app_mag = magnitude + 5 * (np.log10(distance) - 1) return app_mag
[docs]def check_element(driver, id_number): """ checks that an element exists on a website, and provides an exception """ try: driver.find_element_by_id(id_number) except NoSuchElementException as e: print(e) return False return True
[docs]def calc_flux_density_error_from_monochromatic_magnitude(magnitude, magnitude_error, reference_flux, magnitude_system='AB'): """ Calculate flux density error from magnitude error :param magnitude: magnitude :param magnitude_error: magnitude error :param reference_flux: reference flux density :param magnitude_system: magnitude system :return: Flux density error """ if magnitude_system == 'AB': reference_flux = 3631 prefactor = np.log(10) / (-2.5) dfdm = 1000 * prefactor * reference_flux * np.exp(prefactor * magnitude) flux_err = ((dfdm * magnitude_error) ** 2) ** 0.5 return flux_err
[docs]def calc_flux_error_from_magnitude(magnitude, magnitude_error, reference_flux): """ Calculate flux error from magnitude error :param magnitude: magnitude :param magnitude_error: magnitude error :param reference_flux: reference flux density :return: Flux error """ prefactor = np.log(10) / (-2.5) dfdm = prefactor * reference_flux * np.exp(prefactor * magnitude) flux_err = ((dfdm * magnitude_error) ** 2) ** 0.5 return flux_err
[docs]def bands_to_zeropoint(bands): """ Bands to zero point :param bands: list of bands :return: zeropoint for magnitude to flux density calculation """ reference_flux = bands_to_reference_flux(bands) zeropoint = 10**(reference_flux/-2.5) return zeropoint
[docs]def bandpass_magnitude_to_flux(magnitude, bands): """ Convert magnitude to flux :param magnitude: magnitude :param bands: bandpass :return: flux """ reference_flux = bands_to_reference_flux(bands) maggi = 10.0**(magnitude / (-2.5)) flux = maggi * reference_flux return flux
[docs]def magnitude_error_from_flux_error(bandflux, bandflux_error): """ Function to propagate the flux error to the mag system. Parameters: ----------- bandflux: float The total flux transmitted through the bandfilter and recorded by the detector. bandflux_error: float The error on the flux measurement from the measured background noise, in this case, the five sigma depth. Outputs: -------- magnitude_error: float-scalar The flux error propagated into the magnitude system. """ # Compute the per-band magnitude errors mask1 = bandflux == np.nan mask2 = abs(bandflux) <= 1.0e-20 magnitude_error = abs((2.5 / np.log(10)) * (bandflux_error / bandflux)) magnitude_error[mask1 | mask2] = np.nan return magnitude_error
[docs]def bandpass_flux_to_magnitude(flux, bands): """ Convert flux to magnitude :param flux: flux :param bands: bandpass :return: magnitude """ reference_flux = bands_to_reference_flux(bands) maggi = flux / reference_flux magnitude = -2.5 * np.log10(maggi) return magnitude
[docs]def bands_to_reference_flux(bands): """ Looks up the reference flux for a given band from the filters table. :param bands: List of bands. :type bands: list[str] :return: An array of reference flux associated with the given bands. :rtype: np.ndarray """ if bands is None: bands = [] if isinstance(bands, str): bands = [bands] df = pd.read_csv(f"{dirname}/tables/filters.csv") bands_to_flux = {band: wavelength for band, wavelength in zip(df['bands'], df['reference_flux'])} res = [] for band in bands: try: res.append(bands_to_flux[band]) except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(f"Band {band} is not defined in filters.csv!") return np.array(res)
[docs]def bands_to_frequency(bands): """ Converts a list of bands into an array of frequency in Hz :param bands: List of bands. :type bands: list[str] :return: An array of frequency associated with the given bands. :rtype: np.ndarray """ if bands is None: bands = [] df = pd.read_csv(f"{dirname}/tables/filters.csv") bands_to_freqs = {band: wavelength for band, wavelength in zip(df['bands'], df['wavelength [Hz]'])} res = [] for band in bands: try: res.append(bands_to_freqs[band]) except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(f"Band {band} is not defined in filters.csv!") return np.array(res)
[docs]def frequency_to_bandname(frequency): """ Converts a list of frequencies into an array corresponding band names :param frequency: List of bands. :type frequency: list[str] :return: An array of bandnames associated with the given frequency. :rtype: np.ndarray """ if frequency is None: frequency = [] df = pd.read_csv(f"{dirname}/tables/filters.csv") freqs_to_bands = {wavelength: band for wavelength, band in zip(df['wavelength [Hz]'], df['bands'])} res = [] for freq in frequency: try: res.append(freqs_to_bands[freq]) except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(f"Wavelength {freq} is not defined in filters.csv!") return np.array(res)
[docs]def fetch_driver(): # open the webdriver return webdriver.PhantomJS()
[docs]def calc_credible_intervals(samples, interval=0.9): """ Calculate credible intervals from samples :param samples: samples array :param interval: credible interval to calculate :return: lower_bound, upper_bound, median """ if not 0 <= interval <= 1: raise ValueError lower_bound = np.quantile(samples, 0.5 - interval/2, axis=0) upper_bound = np.quantile(samples, 0.5 + interval/2, axis=0) median = np.quantile(samples, 0.5, axis=0) return lower_bound, upper_bound, median
[docs]def calc_one_dimensional_median_and_error_bar(samples, quantiles=(0.16, 0.84), fmt='.2f'): """ Calculate the median and error bar of a one dimensional array of samples :param samples: samples array :param quantiles: quantiles to calculate :param fmt: latex fmt :return: summary named tuple """ summary = namedtuple('summary', ['median', 'lower', 'upper', 'string']) if len(quantiles) != 2: raise ValueError("quantiles must be of length 2") quants_to_compute = np.array([quantiles[0], 0.5, quantiles[1]]) quants = np.percentile(samples, quants_to_compute * 100) summary.median = quants[1] = quants[2] - summary.median summary.minus = summary.median - quants[0] fmt = "{{0:{0}}}".format(fmt).format string_template = r"${{{0}}}_{{-{1}}}^{{+{2}}}$" summary.string = string_template.format( fmt(summary.median), fmt(summary.minus), fmt( return summary
[docs]def kde_scipy(x, bandwidth=0.05, **kwargs): """ Kernel Density Estimation with Scipy :param x: samples :param bandwidth: bandwidth of the kernel :param kwargs: Any extra kwargs passed to scipy.kde :return: gaussian kde object """ # Note that scipy weights its bandwidth by the covariance of the # input data. To make the results comparable to the other methods, # we divide the bandwidth by the sample standard deviation here. kde = gaussian_kde(x, bw_method=bandwidth / x.std(ddof=1), **kwargs) return kde
[docs]def cdf(x, plot=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Cumulative distribution function :param x: samples :param plot: whether to plot the cdf :param args: extra args passed to plt.plot :param kwargs: extra kwargs passed to plt.plot :return: x, y or plot """ x, y = sorted(x), np.arange(len(x)) / len(x) return plt.plot(x, y, *args, **kwargs) if plot else (x, y)
[docs]def bin_ttes(ttes, bin_size): """ Bin TimeTaggedEvents into bins of size bin_size :param ttes: time tagged events :param bin_size: bin sizes :return: times and counts in bins """ counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(ttes, np.arange(ttes[0], ttes[-1], bin_size)) times = np.array([bin_edges[i] + (bin_edges[i + 1] - bin_edges[i]) / 2 for i in range(len(bin_edges) - 1)]) return times, counts
[docs]def find_path(path): """ Find the path of some data in the package :param path: :return: """ if path == 'default': return os.path.join(dirname, '../data/GRBData') else: return path
[docs]def setup_logger(outdir='.', label=None, log_level='INFO'): """ Setup logging output: call at the start of the script to use :param outdir: If supplied, write the logging output to outdir/label.log :type outdir: str :param label: If supplied, write the logging output to outdir/label.log :type label: str :param log_level: ['debug', 'info', 'warning'] Either a string from the list above, or an integer as specified in (Default value = 'INFO') """ log_file = f'{outdir}/{label}.log' with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.remove(log_file) # remove existing log file with the same name instead of appending to it bilby.core.utils.setup_logger(outdir=outdir, label=label, log_level=log_level, print_version=True) level = _bilby_logger.level logger.setLevel(level) if not any([type(h) == logging.StreamHandler for h in logger.handlers]): stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M')) stream_handler.setLevel(level) logger.addHandler(stream_handler) if not any([type(h) == logging.FileHandler for h in logger.handlers]): if label is not None: Path(outdir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)-8s: %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M')) file_handler.setLevel(level) logger.addHandler(file_handler) for handler in logger.handlers: handler.setLevel(level)'Running redback version: {redback.__version__}')
[docs]class MetaDataAccessor(object): """ Generic descriptor class that allows handy access of properties without long boilerplate code. Allows easy access to meta_data dict entries """
[docs] def __init__(self, property_name, default=None): self.property_name = property_name self.container_instance_name = 'meta_data' self.default = default
def __get__(self, instance, owner): try: return getattr(instance, self.container_instance_name)[self.property_name] except KeyError: return self.default def __set__(self, instance, value): getattr(instance, self.container_instance_name)[self.property_name] = value
[docs]class DataModeSwitch(object): """ Descriptor class to access boolean data_mode switches. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data_mode): self.data_mode = data_mode
def __get__(self, instance, owner): return instance.data_mode == self.data_mode def __set__(self, instance, value): if value: instance.data_mode = self.data_mode else: instance.data_mode = None
[docs]class KwargsAccessorWithDefault(object): """ Descriptor class to access a kwarg dictionary with defaults. """
[docs] def __init__(self, kwarg, default=None): self.kwarg = kwarg self.default = default
def __get__(self, instance, owner): return instance.kwargs.get(self.kwarg, self.default) def __set__(self, instance, value): instance.kwargs[self.kwarg] = value
[docs]def get_functions_dict(module): models_dict = {} _functions_list = [o for o in getmembers(module) if isfunction(o[1])] _functions_dict = {f[0]: f[1] for f in _functions_list} models_dict[module.__name__.split('.')[-1]] = _functions_dict return models_dict
[docs]def interpolated_barnes_and_kasen_thermalisation_efficiency(mej, vej): """ Uses Barnes+2016 and interpolation to calculate the r-process thermalisation efficiency depending on the input mass and velocity :param mej: ejecta mass in solar masses :param vej: initial ejecta velocity as a fraction of speed of light :return: av, bv, dv constants in the thermalisation efficiency equation Eq 25 in Metzger 2017 """ v_array = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]) mass_array = np.array([1.0e-3, 5.0e-3, 1.0e-2, 5.0e-2]) a_array = np.asarray([[2.01, 4.52, 8.16], [0.81, 1.9, 3.2], [0.56, 1.31, 2.19], [.27, .55, .95]]) b_array = np.asarray([[0.28, 0.62, 1.19], [0.19, 0.28, 0.45], [0.17, 0.21, 0.31], [0.10, 0.13, 0.15]]) d_array = np.asarray([[1.12, 1.39, 1.52], [0.86, 1.21, 1.39], [0.74, 1.13, 1.32], [0.6, 0.9, 1.13]]) a_func = RegularGridInterpolator((mass_array, v_array), a_array, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) b_func = RegularGridInterpolator((mass_array, v_array), b_array, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) d_func = RegularGridInterpolator((mass_array, v_array), d_array, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) av = a_func([mej, vej])[0] bv = b_func([mej, vej])[0] dv = d_func([mej, vej])[0] return av, bv, dv
[docs]def electron_fraction_from_kappa(kappa): """ Uses interpolation from Tanaka+19 to calculate the electron fraction based on the temperature independent gray opacity :param kappa: temperature independent gray opacity :return: electron_fraction """ kappa_array = np.array([1, 3, 5, 20, 30]) ye_array = np.array([0.4,0.35,0.25,0.2, 0.1]) kappa_func = interp1d(kappa_array, y=ye_array) electron_fraction = kappa_func(kappa) return electron_fraction
[docs]def lorentz_factor_from_velocity(velocity): """ Calculates the Lorentz factor for a given velocity :param velocity: velocity in cm/s :return: Lorentz factor """ return 1 / np.sqrt(1 - (velocity / speed_of_light)**2 )
[docs]def velocity_from_lorentz_factor(lorentz_factor): """ Calculates the velocity for a given Lorentz factor :param Lorentz_factor: relativistic Lorentz factor :return: velocity in cm/s """ return speed_of_light * np.sqrt(1 - 1 / lorentz_factor ** 2)
[docs]class user_cosmology(): """ Cosmology class similar to the Astropy cosmology class. Needed if the user wants to provide a distance instead of using the luminosity distance inferred from a particular cosmology model. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dl=0): self.dl = 0
def set_luminosity_distance(cls, dl): cls.dl = dl def luminosity_distance(self, redshift): return self.dl